Poly’tubes Version 2


1 square board ≈ 50 cm
4 sticks Ø 4 mm (1 color, height 12 cm)
6 square sticks 10 mm² (1 color, height 14 cm)
8 tubes Ø 16 mm (transparent, height 11 cm)
4 square tubes 20 mm² (white, height 8 cm)
2 tubes Ø 30 mm² (translucent, height 8 cm)
10 tubes Ø 25 mm² (colored, height 5 cm, 10 cm, and 12 cm)
2 tubes Ø 40 mm² (transparent, height 5 cm)

Working on inclusion solutions
Progressive finger wrapping
Various grips
Bi-manual coordination
Place the tubes and sticks in the appropriate slots. Insert the elements into each other using the different diameters, aiming to create as many combinations and nestings as possible. Another interesting exercise is to reverse the process, dismantling the combinations and returning the elements to their original places.

0.00 0.0 USD 0.00

231.80 CHF

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    This combination does not exist.

    Internal Reference: 00 E POT11/V2