• Socks for stump, stockinettes and immobilization accessories
  • Koalaa
  • Rehab'Impulse™
  • MiracleFeet
  • Ankle joint
  • amparo®
  • Nextt
Aesthetic clip
The Upya aesthetic clip is specially designed to fit the ankle of your Upya foot.
Its flat surface facilitates the application of an aesthetic leg foam.
WEIGHT: 20 grams
MATERIAL: PLA 3D impression

WARNING, it is recommended to have Upya and its spare parts installed by an orthopaedic professional.
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Skin aesthetic cover
ELASTIC! That’s what the Upya foot cover is.
Another innovation: 1 model of foot cover for all Upya sizes, as easy as pie!
The Upya foot cover is available in light and dark flesh colours.
WEIGHT: 65 grams

WARNING, it is recommended to have Upya and its spare parts installed by an orthopaedic professional.
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We have tried to make it as simple as possible, so the screw kit used to assemble Upya is composed of 4 short and 1 long axis.
Make sure to align the axis flat side with the flat side on the Upya’s polyamide parts.
WEIGHT: 70 grams
MATERIAL: 304 stainless steel and galvanised steel
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Upya’s comfort? That’s where it comes in!
The Upya heel consists of an extremely strong structural element made of 30% GF polyamide and a shock absorber similar to the soles of running shoes. You can choose between three density, P3,P4 or P5.
WEIGHT: 110 grams
MATERIAL: Polyamide 30% glass fibre reinforced; expanded polyurethane.

WARNING, it is recommended to have Upya and its spare parts installed by an orthopaedic professional.
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Upya is a DEMONTABLE biomechanical foot.
This means that you can change the toe to make a right foot a left foot, or a left foot a right foot! Easy, simple: Upya.
Don’t forget that the toe is fixed with a pin that you can find in the Upya screw kit.
Don’t forget that if you change the toe cap to the opposite side, you also have to change the Upya cosmetic shell.
WEIGHT: 60 grams
MATERIAL: 30% glass fiber reinforced polyamide

WARNING, it is recommended to have Upya and its spare parts installed by an orthopaedic professional.
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Its kick is what makes Upya unique.
Thanks to its perfectly calibrated spring, you will feel the comfort you have the right to expect. You can choose between three spring rates, P3, P4 or P5.
WEIGHT: 106 grams
MATERIAL: 30% glass-filled polyamide; 304 stainless steel and HLE steel.

WARNING, it is recommended to have Upya and its spare parts installed by an orthopaedic professional.
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Upya® poly-articulated prosthetic foot
Upya is THE foot for you, comfortable but dynamic, stable and reassuring, it bends to your life and your desires. Upya is suitable for both tibial and femoral amputees and is also suitable for double amputees. Don't hesitate to contact our sales team if you have any questions, they are always happy to answer them." WEIGHT: 700 grams (+/- 5%)

Degree of mobility: 1-2
Height: 140mm
Material: Aluminum, Reinforced polyethylene, Fiberglass, Polyurethane foam
Size: 25 to 28cm (adaptabe)
Water resistant
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